Saturday, 25 July 2015

The Results Are In….

So, after 12 (gruelling?) weeks of early, cold, dark mornings, weights training sessions a week, additional cardio sessions and an dietary over-haul, I know you're hanging out to find out whether it's all been worth it. 

You know from my posts that despite being totally over-whelmed in the beginning (at one point I just wanted to cry forever because I felt like I was either shopping for groceries or preparing them and never to set outside the kitchen again!) I have been extremely happy with the programme. Happy enough to want to continue this as a life-style change, plus follow the next round of 12wks of training.

It has taken me 12 full weeks to succumb to the fact that I actually no longer need to eat snacks. Ever. 
I simply eat another complete meal. Maybe it's all in the wording, or simply in my head but in the beginning I really struggled with this. The food I believed I needed in between my meals has always been known to me, and the rest of the non-MP world as 'snacks'. However, just the other day I came home from work thinking "ooh it's around 3 hours since I last ate (formerly known as lunch), it must be meal time again" *insert happy face here as eating again is always so exciting*. Having consumed this meal, I then quite happily go on to consume my evening meal (formerly known as dinner), which would be meal # 5 or 6 for the day. One could be forgiven for thinking that it would be virtually impossible to lose weight/body fat in this manner. Friends & loyal readers,  I am here to tell you otherwise. I consume more (in volume) now than ever before. My weight has not changed. (I do know plenty of people that have successfully lost lots of weight on this programme, but this was not a goal for me). I no longer count or feel the need to count calories. In fact the only counting I do is to make sure I have at least 6-meals per day, more if I have the time. It's kind of like feeding a new-born every three hours. I can highly recommend it.

Felicity - thank you - you are an inspiration to work with and made the early mornings so incredibly pleasurable. 
Lynn - my training partner - having a partner in crime halves the pain and doubles the gain. Thank you! 

I'm really looking forward to training with both of you again soon.

Patrick - my amazingly supportive husband - thank you for throwing me in at the deep and and then backing it up to support my cause by getting the kids organised and to school on time on these early mornings. I trust you can continue with this new routine.

My readers - that's all of YOU - thank you for keeping me on track, keeping me accountable and allowing me the self-indulgence of blogging about ups and downs these past weeks.

So, without further ado (I've always wanted to have a reason to say that) I really am very excited to share these results with you. My ever awesome Metabolic Precision Trainer; Felicity O'Meara, Vikara Body Transformations (did you spot the subtle plug there?) has compiled this fantastic report for me, rather like an end of term school report ;)

BB Squat:                           20kg (bar)  to  42.5kg OVER DOUBLE
BB Deadlift:                       29kg  to  50kg
BB Split Squat:                  15kg (bar)  to  27.5kg

Lat pull down:                     Level 4  to  Level 7
Seated row:                          22.6kg  to  32.2kg
BB Bench press                  15kg (bar)  to  35kg OVER DOUBLE
Dips:                                    Blue band  to  small orange!! (next level is unassisted!)

Body Composition:
Believe it or not, there is officially 25.5cm less of me now! No change in kilograms on the scales so it just goes to prove how much denser and leaner muscle is when compared to body fat.

Aside from the very pleasant results, I also notice changes in my general posture. The photos show how it is straighter and stronger in my upper body now. 

Shoulders: Lost 1cm
Chest: Lost 1cm
Arm: Increased 1cm (I have biceps now!)
Narrowest Waist: Lost 3cm
Navel Measurement: Lost 9cm 
Hips: Lost 12cm
Glutes: Increased 0.5cm (Non-surgical butt-lift right here!)
Thigh (saddlebag): Increased by 0.5cm (but visibly less fat)
Thigh: Decreased 0.5cm
Calf: Decreased by 1cm

Goals reached:
  Reduce navel by 4cm (over double what I aimed for!!)  - Nailed it!
รป    Reduce hips by 4cm (something to aim for next program) 
 Dips with the red band - Nailed it!
  Dips with the orange band - Nailed it!

Here they are - the before & after photos

Thursday, 16 July 2015

The Beginning of The End?

Wow! That's the end of week 11 already. How time flies. I seriously cannot believe that this 12 week programme is nearly at it's end. The fact that I've managed to get up at 5.30 (ok, it's been stretched out to 5.40 of late) twice a week for a 20min drive, in cold, dark and often wet conditions, for 45minutes of self-inflicted-punishment, is a miracle in itself. Particularly for one that really does not like driving in the dark and/or rain. 

Looking back over the past weeks I'd really like to take this opportunity to re-cap on some of the key strategies I've adapted to and changes that have happened because of them.

Mind Over Matter - It goes to prove just how the power of the mind can really be the make or break of practically anything/any goals you want to achieve. If the mind is in the right place, the body will follow. After all, the body (in most cases) will only do what we tell it. Good in = good out or vice versa.

Stepping out of the Comfort Zone - To achieve results it's almost always necessary to step out of that comfort zone. For me, at the beginning of the programme, that was simply about actually attending  PT session twice a week and lifting weights, of any proportion. As the weeks have progressed, so have the weights increased every week, I've been pushed, just that little bit more, out of my comfort zone. 

Re-programming - To re-programme the body (metabolism) meant re-programming the mind. To do this, my food consumption took a pretty decent over-haul, which also meant re-programming the mind to purchase, prepare and consume nutritionally balanced meals at consistent and timely intervals. This in turn also meant re-programming my body to be able to consume these new volumes of healthiness. Thankfully this was done with a steady progression, despite my impatience to 'have it all down pat' in week 1. 

Shop 'n' Chop, Prepare, Grab 'n' Go! - There is no doubt in my mind that one key factor that has made this programme work for me, is the necessity in thinking ahead. When those veggies are 'shopped', get them home to be 'chopped'. Portion them, prepare them and they are then ready and waiting for the 'grab n go.' A couple of extra hours in the kitchen twice a week has certainly saved me hours of preparation and cooking each and every night. This has to be, without a doubt, the best new habit I've formed. It's a keeper.

Less is More, More is Less - Remember that one? Less exercise, when properly structured can actually give better results. Gone are my weeks of excessive output or hard exercise 5 or 6 days a week. Two 30min weights-sessions  a week plus a couple of 30min cardio sessions thrown in for good measure and I'm done. As for the More is Less, well, that's about the food. This has been the common thread throughout all of my posts. More food! Eat more often! Load the plate with veggies! Protein at every meal! I could go on, but I won't I think you've got the picture by now.

Challenging Times - Certainly there have been challenging times, weekends away, meals out, no snacks/meals to hand, and of course slip-ups have been made. I most certainly have not been 100% compliant the whole 12 weeks. In fact, at a guess, I'd say that the first half I was only about 50% there, on a really good week I've been 96% compliant. On average, I'd say I am now about 90-95% compliant, most of the time. I've been through bouts of hunger when my body thought it was never going to be fed again, my colleagues and family have suffered a fair few HISSy fits (Hungry Irritable Sarah Syndrome) because I wasn't getting my food proportions quite right. There was the uncomfortable bloating and gassiness issues whilst my body re-adjusted to the new vast amounts of fibrous veggies. And not to forget the awful skin break-outs whilst my body was detoxing. 

However, all this said and done, the programme has been an extremely positive one for me.  So, is this the beginning of the end? Not at all, it's the continuation of a whole new beginning. I'll be keeping the new food habits, this way of eating really suits me. Gone are the 3pm slumps. Gone are the days of counting calories.  Gone are the hungry mood swings (when I get it right of course). Now, if I'm hungry I know it's because my body needs food. Good nutritious food. So I eat. Don't worry, if you feel like inviting me to dinner at your place, I will not feel the need to BMO (bring my own), I'll happily consume and enjoy any meal you choose to lovingly prepare and even help you enjoy the wine that goes with it.

What's next? Well, next week I'll be posting the final results of my transformation, including before and after photos. Be excited! I am. 

After that, well, I've decided to continue with the training programme and committed to starting the new round that begins mid August. Yes! You heard it here first. I really am enjoying the results. I feel  so much stronger and healthier. And this can only be a good thing.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Photos from my latest training sessions

Week 10 - I thought this week I'd simply show some photos of my weight training sessions. This is what I've been getting up at 5.30am twice a week for. And yes! I do think it's worth it. 

I do upper-body weights one session and lower body for the other. Each session takes about 30-45mins to complete. I usually train with one other woman so we get a small rest in between each set. (the only photos missing are the sets of row-pulls.)

I'm particularly proud of the Lateral Pull Down exercises as I've never had lean visible back muscles before. Plus, overall I'm lifting weights that I never imagined yet not walking around looking like The  Incredible Hulk!

It's good for me to see the progress, particularly now as this weekend (just past) would/should have been my full-marathon debut on the Gold Coast. I did feel a bit sad when hubby text me to say that he was in the start-shute and the atmosphere was fantastic. There's still a part of me that wants to run. I haven't been running much at all, only what I really need to do for my cardio sessions. This has amounted to not much more than 4-5km once or twice per week. So much less than I ever used to do. However, I am still struggling with calf-injury issues (the other calf is playing up now that the first one has healed), so I know I just have to give it time. Lots of time.

Lateral Pull-Down. Level 6. 8 Reps x 2. 

Bench Press 30kg. 8 Reps - x 2

Dips - Thin Red Band. I think I managed 5 reps (out of 8) x 2. It got a bit messy in the middle. I'm pretty happy with these though as I have well-exceeded the band level that we had set as the 12-week goal.

 Dead Lift - 45kg. 6 Reps x 2. 

Barbell Squat - 40kg. 
6 Reps x 2 
Uni-lateral Lunges. 27.5kg. 6 Reps x 2 (each side)